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A Guide To Feeding Your Puppy

All Canagan recipes are suitable for all lifestages therefore they can be fed from weaning onwards! Just like in the wild, where the puppies of the pack and the adults shared the same food in different quantities.

Top Gadgets For Pet Lovers

Ever wondered what your dog gets up to when you’re not home? Well, thanks to modern technology we can now check in on our favourite companions whenever the time suits.

Top hacks for cat owners

Sharing our home with our special family members is a wonderful experience. However, being a pet owner isn’t always has easy at it seems and sometimes our friends can raise some challenges along the way...

Maintaining a healthy weight for my cat

Vets estimate over a third of cats are overweight. Here, the experts at Canagan share their top tips on how to maintain a healthy weight for your feline friend, from how much to feed them to handy exercise tips.

How to spoil your pet

The experts at Canagan share their top tips for treating your pet and how best to communicate so they feel the love all year round.

How to handle your dog's jealousy

We share such a special bond with our dogs, so when they see us showing affection to another pet or person, jealousy may take hold. Canagan highlights the signs to look out for, reasons behind jealous behaviour and how to combat it.

How to treat and prevent fleas in your pet

We all know that fleas are best avoided, but how much do you really know about treating them? Here’s everything you should know to help keep your companion parasite-free.

Top 10 UK beach walks for you and your dog

A long walk can be the highlight of a dog’s day - and lift yours too. They bound around excitedly as you put on your wellies, trot happily alongside you on the lead, then run eagerly on open land while getting to know fellow four-legged friends.
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