Exercise is a key part of our dog’s health, happiness and wellbeing. Ensuring your dog receives the right amount of the right kind of exercise is key. But how much exercise should you give your dog – and how often? Is it possible to over-exert them?
Dogs are omnivores, so you may find it hard to resist those ‘puppy dog eyes’ when you’re eating or preparing a meal. Who needs a dustpan and brush when you have a dog, right? Well, not quite...
With over a third (35%) of dogs in the UK estimated to be overweight, it’s one of the most common – yet preventable - health issues dogs have. As pet owners, we have a responsibility to keep our dogs healthy, which includes managing their weight.
We know the importance of looking after our own teeth, and whilst we have everything from floss, mouthwash and toothbrushes to help us do this, what can we do to make sure our dogs have the same level of dental hygiene?
When it comes to our own diets, most of us have a rough understanding of what we should be consuming daily; from calories and portions of fruit and veg, to how much water we should drink. But how many of us dog owners know the equivalent for our pets?